A selection of programs and services for using social network accounts:

1. Selection of suppliers of proxies

– Proxy-Store – 5% discount on coupon inshop5 – cheap ipv4 proxy with sharing access to social networks, games, all sites shared

–  Proxy6  – proxy ipv4; proxy ipv6 from different countries: Russia, America, Ukraine, Germany, Japan, France, Holland, Australia

– Proxy-Seller – proxy ipv4; proxy ipv6 from different countries: Russia, America, Ukraine, Germany, France, Kazakhstan, Netherlands

–  Proxys  – resident ipv4 proxy (RU, PL), as well as a wide pool of individual IPv4, IPv6 proxies (RU, UA, KZ, DE, FR, BR, NL, US) for various tasks.

–  Proxy-Shop – Russian proxy ipv4 and ipv6

–  Lexic  – Russian and American ipv6 proxy / 32 and / 48 subnets for each social network and service

ps: Proxymania.ru  is not recommended for use  – this proxy rental service does not follow its own terms of use and can throw its client. If you use a proxy from this service, you may be denied in replacing accounts / refunding.

2. A selection of programs for automatic registration of accounts

–  botreg.ru/vk  – multithreaded program for automatic registration of VKontakte accounts and their subsequent filling (registers – activates by SMS – fills in)

–  botreg.ru/ok  – multithreaded program for automatic registration of accounts Classmates and their subsequent filling (registers – activates by SMS – fills)

3. Services and programs for working with Instagram

  3.1. Cloud services (no need to install on PC)

–  Pamagram  – for a small number of personal and business accounts, monthly payment

– Insta-cloud  – for a small number of personal and business accounts, monthly payment

–  Social Hummer  – for an unlimited number of personal and business accounts, monthly payment (from the creators of Twidium)

–  Instapromo – for a small number of personal and business accounts, payment from 7 days

–  Do Insta  – for a small number of personal and business accounts, monthly payment

 3.2. Programs (need to be installed on a PC)

–  Tooligram  – harvester for performing mass actions, monthly payment

–  Social Kit  – a big combine for performing mass actions on accounts, monthly payment

–  Instadirect.win  – program for sending promotional messages to Instagram Direct, one-time payment

–  InstaTool  – a small and easy-to-use harvester for performing mass actions, one-time payment

–  Upgram  – a large combine for carrying out a large number of mass actions, one-time payment

4. Services and programs for working with VKontakte

–  Social Hummer  – a cloud service for promoting an unlimited number of personal and business accounts, monthly payment (from the creators of Twidium)

–  Q-Sender – a large harvester for promoting groups, public pages, pages and performing mass actions on them, monthly payment

– Botsapp – a new generation harvester for increasing subscribers, inviting, mailing, with multi-client support and built-in instant messenger, monthly payment.

–  VkJust  – harvester to promote groups, public pages, pages and perform mass actions on them, monthly payment

–  Inviter  – program for inviting, monthly payment

ps: Sobot is not recommended for use, because of it accounts are blocked. When using this program in the replacement of accounts / refund can be denied.

5. Services and programs for working with Classmates

–  OK-Sender – a great combine to promote groups, public pages, pages and perform mass actions on them

6. Services and programs for working with Twitter

–  Twidium  –  big cobmain for performing mass actions on accounts, monthly payment

7. Services and programs for working with Pinterest

–  Pinblaster  –  large cobmain for performing mass actions on accounts, monthly payment

8. Autoposting services in social networks

–  SMMplanner  – postponed pulications in Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, OK, Telegram, Viber for retail customers and companies

–  Novapress  – cloud service for automatic publishing in many social networks and services

–  Amplifr  – publications in social networks and analytics for companies and agencies

– BossFeed – auto –  post  , search and copy posts in communities on a schedule

9. Services of sms-activations

– Sms-area  – SMS-activation service with manual and automatic SMS reception

– Sms-activate – Activation service with very fast SMS reception due to full automation

– Cheapsms – SMS activation service with automatic SMS reception

–  Sms-acktiwator – SMS-activation service with automatic SMS reception

10. Wrapping services

– SMMCraft – service for cheking on likes, subscribers, reposts, comments, etc. Supports VK, FB, Instagram, Youtube, Twitch, Twitter

– Soclike – service of cheking likes, subscribers, reposts, comments, etc. Supports VK, FB, Instagram, Youtube, Classmates, Twitter

–  SMMLaba  – a service with a huge number of functions to cheat likes, subscribers, reposts, comments, etc. Supports most popular social networks and services

– Nakrutka – service of cheking likes, subscribers, reposts, comments, etc. Supports Instagram, Youtube

– Instabar – service for cheking likes, subscribers, views. Supports Instagram

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